Saturday, September 22, 2007

My busy day

Today mom and dad got rid of their whole bed room set and went to oma's old house to get her bedroom set for their room. And as you know mom and dad have had their bedroom set for almost as long as they have been married. So the carpet under neath looks really good but the carpet around the bed looks so faded. Anyway It was hard work trying to get all that wood down the stairs and out the door. My hands hert so much I can hardly type this blog. but besides all that my day was pretty.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a pretty day. :)
Why don't you blog about your teen club fun night?

Anonymous said...

Or you could blog about your adventure with babysitting Austin and Dylan. :)
Maybe if you learn to change diapers we'll hire you again...

Nicole said...

Wow! those both seem like stories I'd like to hear about. Mom and Dad's room does look pretty crazy though. I can't wait to see it all spiffed up. It was probably good for you to do all that moving.... you need to bulk up now for those highschool girl!

mmichele said...

i'm so glad you're blogging! have you seen micah's blog? and mine? come for a visit some time.